Saturday, November 30, 2013

Tales from London - 3

                                     The women of world war II

This is a very special and unique photo from my collection and there is a story behind it. Today I am going to share it. This is right along the parliament street and a very unique piece of modern sculpture. 

The Memorial to the Women of World War II is the result of an open competition, won by John W. Mills. The competition asked for a monument to commemorate all the women of World War II, not individuals. John W. Mills’ won the competition by a design from his own memories of the war and his mother’s work in munitions. It depicts the contribution of all women to the war effort through their clothing symbolically left hanging on pegs after they had returned home at the end of hostilities with their job well done.

I have not seen a better example of contemporary art in London and I salute the creator every time I see it simply for the wonderful thoughts behind it. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tales from London - 2

  Kings Cross Sculpture 1 

Today I am sharing some interesting sculptures at King's Cross station regarding history of train travel. About 150 years of history and the sculptures speak for themselves. I have been to London so many times since 2006, but it was only 7 years later I took notice. Hope you like this tour of London with me.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tales from London - 1

I have never noticed a protest like this in London, at the backdrop of two iconic buildings.

  With protest from EgyptWith protest from Egypt

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A tale of two kitties

1 - One of the housecats, as a part of our extended family.


2 - I met him (or her) on the roadside, carefully watching for any sign of food.

Careful, preparing for attack

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Photography Day'13

I couldn't do much of actual photography with my beloved camera on World Photography Day and perhaps would have taken no notice of it either unless one of my colleagues chose to taunt me with by mentioning this on the morning of 19th. Since I couldn't just let go the photographic spirit in me, I assorted and processed some of some the snaps casually taken with my mobile phone and made a collage out of them to commemorate the day because of no other reason that I will find myself incomplete without photography. Goes without saying that this year it is raining a lot more, than we are used to and today is one of the longest rainy day I have ever come across. 

Photography Day'13

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monsoon comes to town

Kolkata at the time of monsoon. You might be surprised to know that this was actually shot in my phone from a hospital window and was processed later. 


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Captain Archibald Haddock

Captain Haddock!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013



Friday, July 12, 2013

Dreamy, as rose

Dreamy as rose!

Feel Fresh (Vinca Rosea)

Vinca Rosea (বাংলা নাম নয়নতারা / পয়সাফুল)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Howrah Bridge!

Howrah Bridge

He who taught me photography!

Reetam Banerjee

Full Moon

Full Moon - 22/08/13 It is very important how you control your exposure for a moon shot. EXIF Data for reference: 300 mm, F 10, 1/500 sec, ISO 400 - Almost getting there, till date the best moon shot I have taken.

Oriental Magpie Robin

Oriental Magpie-Robin

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blue Tiger (An Indian Butterfly)

Blue Tiger (Indian Butterfly)

Calotes Varsicolor (aka Garden Lizard)


Monday, April 8, 2013

The Common Sparrow

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